Central to the badge is the triangle, the symbol of the Blessed Trinity, the Godhead to Whom we must look as a source for the full realization of the School Motto-Bonitas (Goodness), Scientia (Knowledge), Pietas (Duty). The dove in the triangle is the symbol of the Holy Spirit Who enlightens us as to true knowledge and direction and Who have a real SENSE OF DUTY. The ensign in green-white-green colours uncannily reflects that of Nigeria whose National Independence was coming into realization almost at the same period of the birth of the school.
The aim of any society, bit or small, is to produce good people. Without goodness of life, no individual, no matter how learned or skilled he may be, can make a real contribution to the society to which he belongs. To attain goodness of life is not an easy task, so it must be primary in any educational system if the true purpose of education is to be achieved – ultimately, the development of the whole man. Concepts of right and wrong are fundamental to any individual, but they have to be cultivated, directed and motivated. True goodness has its origin in God Who is Goodness Itself. This very basic quality can only be realized where religion and true religious values are primary in an educational system. Hence, it is the aim of the School to so train its students that, in their future life, they will be good citizens of their country.
To attend school is to learn to acquire knowledge. Knowledge is power. Knowledge is a weapon. Knowledge is a door opening up new and exciting vistas. Knowledge is not just a mere cramming of certain facts for the purpose of passing an examination. It is, above all, a tool which the pupil is trained to handle effectively to enable him to fulfil the true purpose of education which is a life-long process of growth and development. True knowledge must enable the pupil to evaluate to judge, to select, to accept or reject. In this era of the mass media, it is vitally necessary that a very knowledgeable individual is properly equipped mentally to discern truth from falsehood, the realities from the exaggerations and embellishments, and finally, to arrive at conclusions that are valid. He must be enabled to weigh all knowledge in the light of the Eternal from the Spirit of Truth Who cannot deceive.
In any society and, above all, in the wider society of the State, its greatest assets are the loyalties of its citizens. The ancient Romans defined Pietas as a sense of duty: first of all, to the family and, through it, to the State, which they called the ‘patria’ or fatherland. And the greatest virtue was to die for the fatherland (pro patria mori). A sense of duty must start in the individual himself. Everything a person possesses is a God-given gift. He must learn to respect himself and not abuse the gifts which he has received. Then he will respect his fellow men and in so doing, he is respecting the State. While the State exists for the good of the community and has obligations towards it, only too often the individual citizen forgets that he has obligations towards his country. There is the danger of looking to the State for everything. There is a virtue which we may not be fully aware of and that is True Devotion to the Nation. A good citizen will ask himself what he can do for the good of his country. This sense of duty (pietas) is what the school will try to inculcate in its pupils in its lessons on civics and, in practical ways, show how it can be reflected in their daily living.
Learn to live your motto and your career will be a successful one.